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    Scrolling in una sola direzione

    Sono alle prese con un piccolo game 2D.
    Vorrei modificare lo scrolling del gioco in modo tale che lo faccia solamente per la direzione x. Cioè quando sposto il char in alto e in basso vorrei che le tile rimanessero ferme. Ho provato a modificare e/o eliminare alcune righe di codice, ma nulla da fare.
    Allego il file e posto il codice:

    fscommand("allowscale", false);
    fscommand("allowscale", false);
    // our map is 2-dimensional array
    myMap1 = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]];
    myMap2 = [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]];
    // declare game object that holds info
    game = {tileW:30, tileH:30, currentMap:1, visx:7, visy:5, centerx:120, centery:90};
    // walkable tile
    game.Tile0 = function () { };
    game.Tile0.prototype.walkable = true;
    game.Tile0.prototype.frame = 1;
    // wall tile
    game.Tile1 = function () { };
    game.Tile1.prototype.walkable = false;
    game.Tile1.prototype.frame = 2;
    // door object prototype
    game.Doors = function (newmap, newcharx, newchary) { this.newmap = newmap;this.newcharx = newcharx;this.newchary = newchary;};
    game.Doors.prototype.walkable = true;
    game.Doors.prototype.frame = 3;
    game.Doors.prototype.door = true;
    // door tiles
    // make those tiles from the door object passing newmap, newcharx and newchary
    game.Tile2 = function () { };
    game.Tile2.prototype = new game.Doors(2, 1, 4);
    game.Tile3 = function () { };
    game.Tile3.prototype = new game.Doors(1, 6, 4);
    // non-existing tile
    game.Tile4 = function () { };
    game.Tile4.prototype.walkable = false;
    game.Tile4.prototype.frame = 20;
    // declare char object, xtile and ytile are tile where chars center is
    char = {xtile:1, ytile:2, speed:4};
    // building the world
    function buildMap(map) {
    // attach empty mc to hold all the tiles and char
    root.attachMovie("empty", "tiles", 1);
    // find number of half the visible tiles
    game.halfvisx = int(game.visx/2);
    game.halfvisy = int(game.visy/2);
    // declare clip in the game object
    game.clip = root.tiles;
    // place clip in correct coordinates
    game.clip.x = game.centerx-(char.xtilegame.tileW)-game.tileW/2;
    game.clip._y = game.centery-(char.ytile
    // loop to place tiles on stage
    for (var y = char.ytile-game.halfvisy; y<=char.ytile+game.halfvisy+1; ++y) {
    for (var x = char.xtile-game.halfvisx; x<=char.xtile+game.halfvisx+1; ++x) {
    // name of new tile
    var name = "t
    // check if tile is on the map area
    if (y>=0 and x>=0 and y<=map.length-1 and x<=map[0].length-1) {
    // make new tile object in the game
    game[name] = new game"Tile"+map[y][x];
    } else {
    // make new empty tile object
    game[name] = new game.Tile4();
    // attach tile mc and place it
    game.clip.attachMovie("tile", name, 1+y100+x2);
    game.clip[name].x = (xgame.tileW);
    game.clip[name]._y = (y
    // send tile mc to correct frame
    // add the frame above everything
    root.attachMovie("frame", "frame", 100);
    // add the character mc
    game.clip.attachMovie("char", "char", 10000);
    // declare clip in the game object
    char.clip = game.clip.char;
    // calculate starting position
    char.x = (char.xtilegame.tileW)+game.tileW/2;
    char.y = (char.ytile
    // add char dimensions to char object, half of clips width and height
    char.width = char.clip.width/2;
    char.height = char.clip.height/2;
    // place char mc
    char.clip.x = char.x;
    char.clip.y = char.y;
    char.xstep = char.x;
    char.ystep = char.y;
    function changeTile(xold, yold, xnew, ynew, map) {
    // name of new tile
    var nameold = "t
    var namenew = "t
    // check if tile is on the map area
    if (ynew>=0 and xnew>=0 and ynew<=map.length-1 and xnew<=map[0].length-1) {
    // make new tile object in the game
    game[namenew] = new game"Tile"+map[ynew][xnew];
    game.clip[nameold].name = namenew;
    game.clip[namenew].x = (xnewgame.tileW);
    game.clip[namenew]._y = (ynew
    } else {
    // make new empty tile object
    game[namenew] = new game.Tile4();
    game.clip[nameold].name = namenew;
    function changeMap(ob) {
    var name = "t
    game.currentMap = game[name].newMap;
    ob.ytile = game[name].newchary;
    ob.xtile = game[name].newcharx;
    ob.frame = ob.clip.currentframe;
    function getMyCorners(x, y, ob) {
    // find corner points
    ob.downY = Math.floor((y+ob.height-1)/game.tileH);
    ob.upY = Math.floor((y-ob.height)/game.tileH);
    ob.leftX = Math.floor((x-ob.width)/game.tileW);
    ob.rightX = Math.floor((x+ob.width-1)/game.tileW);
    // check if they are walls
    ob.upleft = game["t
    ob.downleft = game["t
    ob.upright = game["t
    ob.downright = game["t_"+ob.downY+"_"+ob.rightX].walkable;
    function moveChar(ob, dirx, diry) {
    // vertical movement
    // where are our edges?
    // first we look for y movement, so x is old
    getMyCorners(ob.x, ob.y+ob.speeddiry, ob);
    // move got dammit... and check for collisions.
    // going up
    if (diry == -1) {
    if (ob.upleft and ob.upright) {
    // no wall in the way, move on
    ob.y += ob.speed
    } else {
    // hit the wall, place char near the wall
    ob.y = ob.ytilegame.tileH+ob.height;
    // if going down
    if (diry == 1) {
    if (ob.downleft and ob.downright) {
    ob.y += ob.speed
    } else {
    ob.y = (ob.ytile+1)game.tileH-ob.height;
    // horisontal movement
    // changing x with speed and taking old y
    dirx, ob.y, ob);
    // if going left
    if (dirx == -1) {
    if (ob.downleft and ob.upleft) {
    ob.x += ob.speeddirx;
    } else {
    ob.x = ob.xtile
    // if going right
    if (dirx == 1) {
    if (ob.upright and ob.downright) {
    ob.x += ob.speed*dirx;
    } else {
    ob.x = (ob.xtile+1)game.tileW-ob.width;
    // update char position
    ob.clip._x = ob.x;
    ob.clip._y = ob.y;
    // face the direction
    // calculate the tile where chars center is
    ob.xtile = Math.floor(ob.x/game.tileW);
    ob.ytile = Math.floor(ob.y/game.tileH);
    // scroll the background
    game.clip.x = game.centerx-ob.x;
    game.clip.y = game.centery-ob.y;
    // check for door
    if (game["t
    "+ob.xtile].door and ob == _root.char) {
    // make new map
    // check if we have to delete and add rows and columns of tiles
    if (ob.xstep<ob.x-game.tileW) {
    var xtile = Math.floor(ob.xstep/game.tileW)+1;
    var xnew = xtile+game.halfvisx+1;
    var xold = xtile-game.halfvisx-1;
    for (var i = ob.ytile-game.halfvisy-1; i<=ob.ytile+game.halfvisy+1; ++i) {
    changeTile(xold, i, xnew, i, _root["myMap"+game.currentMap]);
    ob.xstep = ob.xstep+game.tileW;
    } else if (ob.xstep>ob.x) {
    var xtile = Math.floor(ob.xstep/game.tileW);
    var xold = xtile+game.halfvisx+1;
    var xnew = xtile-game.halfvisx-1;
    for (var i = ob.ytile-game.halfvisy-1; i<=ob.ytile+game.halfvisy+1; ++i) {
    changeTile(xold, i, xnew, i, _root["myMap"+game.currentMap]);
    ob.xstep = ob.xstep-game.tileW;
    if (ob.ystep<ob.y-game.tileH) {
    var ytile = Math.floor(ob.ystep/game.tileH)+1;
    var ynew = ytile+game.halfvisy+1;
    var yold = ytile-game.halfvisy-1;
    for (var i = ob.xtile-game.halfvisx-1; i<=ob.xtile+game.halfvisx+1; ++i) {
    changeTile(i, yold, i, ynew, _root["myMap"+game.currentMap]);
    ob.ystep = ob.ystep+game.tileH;
    } else if (ob.ystep>ob.y) {
    var ytile = Math.floor(ob.ystep/game.tileH);
    var yold = ytile+game.halfvisy+1;
    var ynew = ytile-game.halfvisy-1;
    for (var i = ob.xtile-game.halfvisx-1; i<=ob.xtile+game.halfvisx+1; ++i) {
    changeTile(i, yold, i, ynew, _root["myMap"+game.currentMap]);
    ob.ystep = ob.ystep-game.tileH;
    return (true);
    function detectKeys() {
    var ob = _root.char;
    var keyPressed = false;
    if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)) {
    keyPressed = _root.moveChar(ob, 1, 0);
    } else if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)) {
    keyPressed = _root.moveChar(ob, -1, 0);
    } else if (Key.isDown(Key.UP)) {
    keyPressed = _root.moveChar(ob, 0, -1);
    } else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
    keyPressed = _root.moveChar(ob, 0, 1);
    // walk animation
    if (!keyPressed) {
    } else {
    // make the map

  • Super User

    Ciao marco,

    se ferma il movimento y del sfondo (potrebbe per esempio togliere tutta la parte da// going up e // if going down), quel giocco diventa proprio inutile. Il movimento e basato sul movimento del sfondo e non sul char che rimane sempre a un punto fisso. Basta che il char sia davanti un blocco e non puo piu contonarlo. Sarebbe da modificare il tutto per renderlo usabile.:bho: