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    Una Guida completa su Wordpress

    Su SearchengineJournal c'é un bellissimo articolo su wordpress e una guida completissima tutta da studiare 🙂

    Today I came across a very complete guide to Wordpress SEO which covers just about everything, from title optimization all the way to link building. Jim Westergren, an accomplished SEO professional, put together this guide which all Wordpress bloggers should read & digest.

    Here are some quick facts Jim led the Guide off with as reasons blogs benefit from SEO :

    1. There are 55 million blogs out there, if you don?t stand out you will have no chance.
    2. The first second of a visitors attention is the most crucial.
    3. Your main traffic should come to articles and posts inside your blog, not the home page.
    4. Search engine rankings relies heavily upon the quality and quantity of links to your blog when they determine the ranking.
    5. The best way to get links is by natural recommendations from other bloggers or web site owners.